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Water heater access

Started by Jimbilly, July 28, 2005, 11:24:23 PM

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Has anyone removed their hot water heater from their Clipper?  I'm having one heck of a time getting mine out.  After removing the screws around the outside of the unit it just wont slide out.  The bottom of the lower bunk (Its a bunk house model) is fastened down with no way to get at the heater from the top side.  Do I need to cut out part of the bottom of the bunk to get access to the hot water heater and the water lines?????



I haven't tackled that yet. I'm keeping my fingers crossed. Mine is working fine but being 26 years old I know it's just a matter of time.

Good luck with the replacement and take pictures if you can!


BigRay, I thought you were older than 26 :lol:

Andy Illes

Hiyya JimBilly.  Mine's a rear kitchen, so you can get at the back of the heater easily.  Mine sprung a leak and about the same the gas valve blew out, which sortta necessitated a new one.  After disconnecting the gas line and water lines in the back, just unscrewing the front (like you've done) was all it took.  Mine didn't wanna come out at first either and it took some prying.  Dunno if Irv Perch had he Mad (carpet) Stapler run a few in, glued it down, or it just stuck from something... but it did come out.

I'd assume yours is the same, and if it is, I'm curious how you got to the water lines if, as you say, there's no inside access to it?  I've never seen your floorplan, so I can't help ya much more.... sorry.  One thing I HAVE noticed about Clips though, is that there's access to everything.... just have to find it.


Commedians............I meant the Clipper is 26 years old. Very Funny!!!!!!


I have replaced mine. I have a 75 AC rear kitchen. I just replaced it a month ago with a Suburban, 6 gallon heater. I did not have to cut anything but it sure was a tight fit!!!!!! What I did was pull the clipper next to a large tree, and hook a ratchet strap from the tree to the old heater. I tightened the strap while, from the inside wiggled the old heater out. As it came out more, I tightened the strap more. Finally after  alot of coaxing, it came out and the new one fit in perfectly. Maybe this will help you out.
1975 American Clipper, 21ft Rear Kitchen, Dodge 360, 521F


Well folks I finally got access to the back of the water heater.  What I ended up doing was cutting out the back portion of the bottom of the lower bunk.  Kind of crude but it worked.  The rear or back (in the very rear of the coach) is not secured down and so after cutting across it with a sabersaw it just lifted out.  Replacing it was just a matter of screwing down the removed piece to the cleats that it rested on originally.  The good news is that it wasn't the water heater leaking but a pipe fitting!!!  Easy and cheap fix.  At least now I know how to get at the water heater when it comes time to replace it.

Andy Illes

Glad you found your leak Jimbilly.... and got it fixed easily.... :)


Great news. Easy fix and addition of an access door (compliments of JimBilly engineering). I'm sure your chest is poking out right about now! Good job!


I had a heck of a time getting mine out. Found there was this giant hunk of lumber wedged in between the w-heater and the oven bottom. I finally attached a handle to the thing to pull it out. It was very stubborn.

I reinstalled the chunk-o-wood with the handle in place  8)
