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AC and Water pumps...

Started by Conrad, June 10, 2002, 02:11:00 PM

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I need to get the AC mounting bracket out of the way  so I can replace my  water pump.  Behind the AC pully are two(?) mounting bolts, or what appear to be mounting bolts.  I can't tell if they go through the water pump housing or not, nor can I tell how to get the bracket clear of the water pump housing without pulling the AC pulley.  I am stumped.    The AC pump appears to be attached to a bracket which in turn is attached to the intake manifold.  Can anyone clue me in?  I have digital image that I can provide.  Thanks


Assuming you've removed the grill and radiator you'll note that you may remove the fan and fluid fan drive easily.  You only have to remove the cap screws that surround the impeller and pull the unit off.  This is what you'll bring to your auto parts dealer.  Make sure the new unit has the same number of "blades" as the old.  I hope this helps.  Along with the above assumption I'm also assuming you're trying to remove the whole water pump casting which is unnecessary.

Richard Peterson

You asked some questions about a/c conversion.  The conversion kits from R-12 to R-134 are readily available in auto parts stores.  Even by mail from places like J.C. Whitney.  Basically you drain the oil from your compressor, and replace it with one of the oils compatable with R134.  Then you flush the system and replace the shrader valves with the type compatable with R-134.  They are not interchangable by design.  Now,you draw a vacuum for about 30 minutes and then charge the system with your new gas.  All this assumes you have the proper vacuum pump, gauges, hoses, etc.  Really the job is better left to someone in the business to get it done right.  Hope this helps you.

Richard Peterson #3175
Richard Peterson


Thanks, all suggestions appreciated.  Does the evaporator need to be accessed to do the conversion?  Right now I have open space to work so I might as well take care of everything at once.  Previous owner  had a battery boil over and the acid ate into the side of my radiator.  Need to replace that too.  money money money...

Richard Peterson

The evaporator does not need to be accessed.  You probably would have the hoses off at some point and could blow it out during the operation.
Richard Peterson


Thanks all.  Project update:  Why stop at the water pump?  Hey, might as well replace the timing chain.  Easier than I thought.  Now I am in the process of putting everything back together.  Such fun!  Actually it is going fairly  well.  Just want to get it done so's we can use the dang thang!  Oh to be retired... then I would be able to spend ALL my time on projects...


Conrad,  I'll trade you my retirement for your youth and throw in a couple of bucks.  How about it?


Well Tiger, I don't know how old you are but if you think 48 years is young, maybe we can split the difference over a few brewskis or whatever you fancy for a drink.      

My project has gone very well so far.  I just got all the parts back on tonight and fired her up.  Oooooooo, sweeeeet!!!!         Can't believe what a difference in noise level. Nice and quiet.  New Alternator (why not?), new water pump, new timing chain, new timing chain dust seal... (now there is an improvement.  There was oil slung all over the front end.)  Oh, and new fan clutch to boot.  Someday I'm gonna go on a clipper outing and see how my unit stacks up heheheheh