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Cupboard Shocks

Started by Roy Jensen, May 17, 2005, 09:32:44 PM

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Roy Jensen

Does any body know where I can get replacement shocks for our cupboard doors?


Dang!! when I remodeled my home I tossed them out not thinking. have you tried your local RV dealer? The Guy here in Madras doesn't have a lot of items but has a Cataloug for RV's that has just about everything related to the homes.

terry and karen conkle

Would you believe I just saw a good selection of shocks at a local lawn mower/yard equipment distributor?  You might try those places.


Andy Illes

What kindda "shocks"?  Mine just has slotted metal "straps" that catch on screws in the stiles to hold them open.  Anyone have a pic of one?  I HATE those straps, it takes 2 hands to "latch" most of the doors open.