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Compartment Batteries....

Started by aliendude, December 26, 2004, 07:49:05 PM

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I'm trying to get my batteries compartment to work......
The batteries I have are toast.    

Does it have to use Marine batteries?    If I buy a new one will
a regular large battery work?    

I bought a used Craftsman HD charger at a pawn shop and
Smoked one battery trying to pump 2 then 20 then 50 AMPS
into it .......won't hold a charge.    THe other runs my lights for
20 min, and won't TAKE a real charge....

So I got to buy one......  Marine Deep cycle or Regular....

OK I'm a nubbie...... :oops:


Yes they need to be deep cycle batterys reugular start batterys will die real quick deep cycle ones are desiged to be discharged and recharged over and over again if you don't have a gen and your useing the compartment for batterys then you can go with golf cart batterys 6 volt in seriers plus to neg on both you get 12 volts but alot better holding power theres a lot of post on this look back and youll find them good luck :D


Will a regular car battery charger hurt Deep Cycle batteries?   Is there anything special about the charger for deep cycle batteries, if so what is it?  

Thanks Again.


Happy New Year guys...

Jim's right.... deep cycles are best for the coach.  However, to answer your original basic question - any battry will work.  Deep cycle ones just last longer in that kindda application is all.... particularly if you're boondocking.  If you stay plugged into shore power most of the time, or run your genny... I don't see where it'd really make much difference.

As to a charger - deep cycles don't need anything special, but as with all batteries, the slower you charge 'em (lower amps).... the better they like it.  The only thing to watch is that the charger has a good taper circuit.  As batteries get charged, the charger oughtta sense it and reduce the amps to really fill the battery.

Good luck.  Sounds like you get to use your Clip this year, huh?   :D


If you put a start battery in a heavy draw area like the couch it wont last there not made to draw down and recharge there designed to start and be recharge quickly where a deep cycle is made to where it can be drawn almost to nothing and then recharge as andy said the slower the better when your pluged in or gen it charges I think at about 1 to2 amps witch is perfect


Regular automotive, high output current batteries can handle a high recharge rate.  Deep cycle should be charged at the low 2 Amp rate that has been suggested.   Deep cycles are designed for lower amp loads for a longer time frame (hours, days).  I charge mine with the 2 amp setting on my charger for about two to three days.  Seems my charger works better than the coach charge too.  I pull my deep cycle once a year and top it off with distilled water, well I bring the level up to the bottom of the inspection tubes.  These are about 1/2 to 3/4 inch below the opening.  

I don't care what the industry says about "maintenance fee", I always do annual maintenance.

