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dumb fridge Q

Started by Andy Illes, November 10, 2004, 04:21:03 PM

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Andy Illes

Hiyya all....

Ok.. this is another petty one, but it drives me NUTS!!!   I'll get the milk out for my morning coffee (or daquiry mix in the PM).... fridge door closes.... the damned vacuum inside it won't let me open it again for a good minute or better to put the milk (or whatever) back.  Anybody else have this, or is it just mine??

I'm thinking of drilling a small hole through the door.  Any better ideas?

Thanx... Andy


same advice as those holding tank dump handles - pullups 3 times a week, and, you to, will be able to open your fridge!


Actually you should be happy that your fridge makes such a good seal! Many of us have the other problem - seal isn't as good as it should be.

Hope you're kidding about drilling a small hole through the door.......
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


I'm with Horst be thankful it seals that well don't know if you or anyone else has them yet get your self a fan for the inside of the refer stops hot spots like the door runs on two d batterys and just sets on the bottom shelf blow cold air all around the refer like the one at home batterys last two months when you come home just remove the batterys untill next trip  camping world has them on sail for $16.95 best money youll ever spend :D


So those really do work handyman?
I have become such a skeptic what with all the snake oil being peddled these days (fuel magnets, oil additives, etc.) that I just couldn't get myself to buy one of those - but it makes sense.
The ony problem I have is how does it work when your fridge is pretty much full?
I can see if you don't have much in there - probably works great. But my fridge is generally quite full - maybe you put it wherever it will circulate air the best??
Also, how do you know it works so well? Did your stuff stay colder, or get colder faster?

I might just throw one of those in on my next CampingWorld order of supplies...........
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

Andy Illes

Ok, ok... I'm THANKfull guys..... but I STILL wanna be able to open the dumb thing!!!!   And yes, I'm serious about a hole in the door, unless someone has a better idea.  I'm on my 3d door latch jobbie!!!


I'v had one for over tweenty years sence our first motor home yes they really work they put out enoff air flow so the hole freg stays at a even temp and they last a long time as above it's been in three motor homes now


Easy now Andy - don't break any more latches.
Here's a really dumb question - but have to eliminate the obvious first - Are you sure your latch isn't "locking", and you're tring to open while clicked in the "locked" position?

Assuming it really is vacuum pressure - why not try to put some silicone grease on the top seal near the handle - maybe go 8 inches across the top, and 8 inches down the opening side - then again this might make it worse??

If that doesn't work - you can compromise the seal with a surgical incision at certain points - start with one little slice and see if it helps - (do this at your own risk.)

I'd try both of these before drilling any holes.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


I'm confused. I think Jim is talking about equalizing/increasing the temp in frig section by drilling a small hole from the freezer to frig.

I think Andy is talking about drilling a hole in frig somewhere.

Before I do that I would do as Horst suggested first.

By the way, I replaced my frig a couple of month back. I have the RM2510.I unplug it last weekend so that I wouldn't drive with the propane on( haven't rerouted the propane lines yet). I tell you what. They don't stay as cold as some have said. At least  mine doesn't.

I'm going to do a little experienement soon to see how the temp varies over different periods of time.


You know what does work though BigRay?
Freeze a plastic gallon water bottle  (after drinking out about 6 ounces out of it), and put that in your fridge for when on the road.
Keeps your stuff cold, and provides a good mixer for your scotch once you get there!
If you're going a short ways, a smaller bottle works too.

One more cool fridge tip for you all:
You know those plastic 2 gallon water bottles you can buy in the store, with the built in spout?
Well, buy one of those. Then when you're done drinking the water, cut the entire top off (inclusing the built in handle. You now have an instant "fridge compartment" that fits perfectly in the bottom of your fridge, takes up virtually no additional room, weighs next to nothing, is easy to clean, and provides very handy storage. Try it, you'll love it.

Want to know another cool trick with one of those 2 gallon jugs?
This time cut the top off, but leave the built-in handle alone - you'll be cutting two pieces off the top in effect.
This  fits perfectly next to the toilet (on the outside wall side) in a rear kitchen Clipper - and is a great place to store "stuff " like cleaning supplies, toilet brush, upholstery cleaners/sprays, Ajax, etc.
You can just reach in and grab you cleaning "box" and you're ready to go!
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

Andy Illes

Hi guys... thanks for the suggestions.   First, it's definitely a suction thing, not the latch... you can hear it "whistle down", and then the door will open.  I broke the latches holding pressure on it hoping to speed it up... duh.   Btw, mine's just a single-door.

Seems to me smearing silicone grease would increase the sealing and compound my problem..... am I wrong?  I'm hesitant to cut the sealing cuz I couldn't undo that.   The reason I'm thinking of a little hole (maybe 1/16"??) in an inconspicuous spot, say a top corner, I can always goop it up if I want to.   I'm just not sure what... if any.... effect that might have on cooling.

I hate to do anything to it at all, frankly.... but it's driving me nuts to have to wait for for the stupid thing to equalize.

Ray... on my "road trips", I forgot to switch to gas several times and ran all day without the fridge running, and my ice stayed frozen, and everything stayed cool.  It's a Dometic, Model PM 2510... no idea how new or old... but it works great,  It's only gas or 110 though... wish it'd run on 12v.  Guess ya can't have everything, huh?


Mine is a RM2510 also. It was completely empty so that may have played a factor.

It was empty because I hadn't taken a trip since I installed it. I think if it had food and drinks it would have held the temperature better.

Like I said, I'll experiment a bit.


Ray where the heck did you get drilling a hole out of a battery operated fan ?????  no these units are about three inches square you put two D batterys in the bottom and the fan is on top and there blue look in camping world catalog youll see them  check it out :D look in camping world .com under interror kitchine then refer accessories  its called a fridge cool fan sells for $16.19  :D  :D  :D  :D


Heeeeeeeeeey...........that's why I said I was confused. I must have missed a couple of post or had a senior moment.

I'm clear now. Sorry for 'bout that!


ACOC# 3514
1978--821F-- ser#48851 440 Dodge  Built on a Dream--Still a Dream.  Let's all keep it that way.

Andy Illes

Thanks LR...

Yes, it does only happen if I let the door close fast... but it's still a damned nuisance!!   Anyway, I did wind up drilling an 1/8" hole in the handle corner, right next to the seal, and it took care of the problem!!  You can't see the hole at all, and when the door's closed the seal sortta covers the hole, but lets air when I go to open the door with a vacuum still on it.

Now I can drink beer faster...  :lol:  :lol:  :lol:
