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propane longevity

Started by mikeyo, August 27, 2004, 10:57:23 AM

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hi, how long can you run your fridge/ freezer on propane before it is exhausted? and the water heater- do you keep the pilot light burning at all times so you can always have a hot shower? what if you do let it burn? will it last long? is it dangerous? is there a thermostat which will switch off the main flame when appropriate?
i still haven't fixed my leak behind the toilet, but thanyou very much for the help!
one other problem (for now!!)- i have a fairly heavy coolant leak and i can't seem to find its source. it's dripping off a fat shortish hose which connects to the radiator from above, pretty close to the road. i have no idea how the system works, as my last car was an air cooled vw. does anyone have the schematics for the system? i have to go on a big trip the day after tomorrow. thanks.


It sounds like your mechanical skills are limited and my advice to you is to get your Clipper into the hands of some mechanic you can trust (whatever that means, I'm still looking after 72 years).  I would also advise not to go on any trip until you get your Clipper looked at, otherwise you could find yourself in a very arkward situation.


You should be able to go at least two weeks maybe longer leave the pilot light lit on the water heater it will only come on when the water temp falls and the refer if you look at the flame it dosent burn much