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Fold 'n Roll

Started by futuregma, August 03, 2004, 02:34:57 PM

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Hey, does anyone out there have brochures, pictures, instructions, etc, on the Fold 'n Roll trailers made by American Clipper? My mom and dad have one sitting in the backyard that we never use. It was so experimental when they bought it, that all info they have is photocopied sheets, and much of it is just general info. Information on the hydraulics, the stove, the hitch, tire pressure, tow weight, etc, would be much appreciated!


The Fold 'n Roll was Irv Perch's last entry in the RV market, long after the last Clippers were built. We went to one of the last National Clipper rallies held at Morgan Hill and had the pleasure of seeing a personal demonstration of the Fold 'n Roll by Irv himself, as he proudly showed us how it could be made camping-ready or road-ready in a matter of seconds. He's still around, I think, and you can probably get the information from him. Anyone out there have an address for Irv?

Harold, ACOC #886

Andy Illes

Futuregma and Harold...

On account of the hurricanes here in S. Fla, I'm "full timing" in my Clip at Pine Lakes Resort in W. Palm Beach.... and guess what?   There's a Fold 'N Roll here!!  I haven't been inside, but it sure looks neat.

What would you like to know about 'em... I'll ask the owners for you.



Quote from: futuregma on August 03, 2004, 02:34:57 PM
Hey, does anyone out there have brochures, pictures, instructions, etc, on the Fold 'n Roll trailers made by American Clipper? My mom and dad have one sitting in the backyard that we never use. It was so experimental when they bought it, that all info they have is photocopied sheets, and much of it is just general info. Information on the hydraulics, the stove, the hitch, tire pressure, tow weight, etc, would be much appreciated!


Quote from: kbjoch on September 01, 2014, 07:27:54 PM
Quote from: futuregma on August 03, 2004, 02:34:57 PM
Hey, does anyone out there have brochures, pictures, instructions, etc, on the Fold 'n Roll trailers made by American Clipper? My mom and dad have one sitting in the backyard that we never use. It was so experimental when they bought it, that all info they have is photocopied sheets, and much of it is just general info. Information on the hydraulics, the stove, the hitch, tire pressure, tow weight, etc, would be much appreciated!
I just bought one and am having to rebuild the roof. Of course no manuals either. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks