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Elec problems

Started by handyman, July 12, 2004, 08:45:02 PM

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Well to start off with {HELP} I've tryed to help others now it's me with the problem, it all started with me loosing my fuel pumps fuel gages and then the engine ignestion so after a new ballest resister iso relay and finnally a ignistion switch all that is working again. But now something is going on with my lights I turn on the lights and the right turn signal lights up both on the dash and the tail light the only thing that was done other than replaceing what I said earlyer was a few bad splices in wiring if thers anyone with auto elec expertease please write me or if your in the modesto area Im buying lunch just help this thing is driving me nuts :evil:



There is a horrible connection on my front and side park lights. I soldered the connections to correct the same problem you are having.

Bottom line, check each of your park lights connections in the front of your Clipper. Over the years, rust and corrosion has taken its toll on the connections. When one of the park lights are out, the signal light inside dash remain illuminated as a indicator that something is wrong.

Hope this helps. Happy Trails!


I'll second Big Ray.
I had almost the exact problem you are having, and it was the ground connection to my driver's side parking light (the rectangular one, clear or orange) on the front grille, right next to your driver's side head light.

I had to really clean the ground connector, AND the spot where it screwed into the shroud (for ground) - and then all was well.

Check to be sure the wire is good as well, and check your other parking light grounds and wires while you're at it.

Good luck.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


Ok did what you said all was ok heres whats going on with the key off and the lights on all outside lights work as they should, including the right hand turn signal arrow on the cluster with the key on the turn signals work as there supose to but when you turn on the lights they still work as there supose to but the right arrow stays lited untell you turn on the right signal then it will flash as it's supose to untell you turn off the signal then it lights up steady GRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR anyone close I'm still buying lunch or dinner for any help :? up date when the you turn on the lights the right marker light goes out but works fine with signal


I don't want to kick a dead horse here - but.......
what you are describing is exactly what I experienced - and it was the driver's side front blinker ground connector.


Maybe try this - disconnect the ground wire from your driver's side front blinker, then turn on your lights, check your blinkers with the engine running and with it off. Note any differences, etc.
Then really clean that connector and the surface - make SURE the wire  is good, reconnect it, and check the lights and blinkers again, with engine running, and off. See if anything changes.

Then repeat  this procedure with your right blinker ground.

Maybe something will pop up. Maybe you have already done this?

If nothing changes, then I'm suspecting something in the steering cluster (blinker assembly, starter switch?,) - but I'd still bet on a bad ground somewhere

Good luck and keep us posted.........
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


Well I'll eat a pound of crow over this one but you were mostly right it was a ground problem but you wont beleave what it was, my Dad in aircraft wisdom had coated the sockets and bulbs with grease to keep water out also when I went to remove one of the bulbs the bulb started to turn in base so changed it also found several others that are old so I'm going to remove them all clean out the sockets and replace all the bulbs thank you all and thank you again Horst for the kick still smarts :shock:


Does this mean I have been promoted to  "Shade-Tree Mechanic"?


Arent we all shade tree mechanices the new kids wouldent know where to start unless they had a lap top thanks to you both you just saved a Clippers life



Ah Hanyman!
I assumed your sockets were in good order - otherwise I would have mentioned looking at them. (never assume)
I had to replace all my rear sockets, and both front blinker sockets on my Clipper...........and then had the ground problem a few years after that!
My worst "electrical" stumper was a bad bathroom fan wire (intermittant issue) - that kept running down my coach battery - never did figure it out - had to go to Tim's Auto Electric in Santa Cruz - Kerry, the motorhome expert there -  found it in about 10 minutes.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


I wouldent have ever thought that all the sockets were covered with grease to keep water out they use to do it on aircraft that use to be a mess but it worked but what the hay it works now thanks again