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Tire Safety - Must See

Started by bigray, May 25, 2004, 10:23:39 AM

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I was in another RV forum and was advise to look at these tires safety videos. I thought I knew it all until I saw the video. Watch both video. Dialup my be a little slow and you can also order the videos.

Happy Trails!


Great info there, thanks!

Looks like my old standby works for blowouts too.... When in doubt, HIT THE GAS!  :)
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


Great Information! Thanks Bigray


ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


It's the least I could do. I received so much info from you guys/gals.

Keep On Clippering