
This website's purpose is to share information with clipper owners and others who are interested in clippers or have old Dodge B300 chassis motorhomes.  In an attempt to share as much information as possible to as many people as possible PLEASE first post your questions in one of the forum boards rather than sending a PM to the webmaster or another member. This will allow other members to find information that may help solve their problem.  By PMing your questions, you decrease forum activity and create more work for active members who end up repeating information to individuals looking for the same information.  Thank you.

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Started by bigray, May 12, 2004, 12:00:51 PM

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My title says that my Clipper is a 1979; however, when I decipher my vin number it indicates that the chassis was a 1978. Perhaps my chasis was produced in late 1978 and the Clipper was assembled in early 1979.

How do I make certain?

What is used to determine model year. I asked primarily because in 1978 over 1,000 Clippers where produces. However in 1979 around 350 were produced. I'm trying to figure out which group my girl falls into.