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removal of toilet

Started by robert spence, November 23, 2003, 09:01:00 AM

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robert spence

please listen to my tail of where are the bolts located holding the pot down. clipper 78 model located the bolt under the flush pedel but cannot find the other?  my mech is stumped and me too the  seal will not hold water after flush.  if it in the back  ,where    i remain your flushless friend for the answer. spence hbp


I'm not sure what toilet you have but the bolts on mine were on both sides just like the one at home you have to remove the side covers to get to them


   The other bolt is in the back left hand corner area . You may have to get a long 3/8 extension to reach it from the top side of the toilet. If you go that route then you will have to lift the toilet seat up and there should be a round plug that you will have to pop out. Look straight down through the unplugged hole and you will see it. Once you see where it's at then you can also approach it from the rear but you won't be able to use a ratchet and socket. Good Luck!
member #    412
440 cu in
side kitchen
bunk beds
rear bath

robert spence

dear good luck american  our luck ran out the mech could not figure how to get to the bolt after my giving him a copy of your instructions . any more help would be appreciated. happy turkey day   spencehbp

Sally Ann Healy

Hey Spence:  Bob Mollerus seems to know just about everything re: the Clippers.  He's in your part of the state, so I'm suggesting that you contact him.  (Note:  after our campout in Woodland last month, my transmission light came on during my short trip home.)  (sigh)  


OK Bob,

I replaced my toilet this summer.  As per Clipper history, our rigs are still falling apart at the same rate.

There is a flush fitting plug covering an observation hole on the top rear of the thing after you lift the seat.

Stick a flat screwdriver in it to pry it up.  Then get a 12-14 inch extension with a socket wrench and put it through the hole.

You cant see it, but you must feel it when the wrench makes contact.  It will get loose and then you have to pull on the toilet to keep tension on the bolt or it will just flop and spin around.

Any questions?  Call me!

vty, RYBKA

robert spence

christmas has come gone and went so at last i looked at what you sent. two inches of snow dulls my responce to the help. my rv retired mech is in bh so icant get help . your phone number got eaten by the cat my phone is 383 0961  call please when you have time. thanks spence