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Smog in California

Started by Proud2BAmerricun, November 23, 2003, 07:36:00 AM

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Is it true that if you own a vehicle in California that is 25 years or older that you don't have to have it smogged? If true then having a 1978 Clipper means that I don't need to worry about it,...Right? If anyone knows what the true answer to this questions is please let me know. Thank You!
1978 Clipper
440 cu in
side kitchen
bunk beds


30 years.  In your case 2008, if it's scheduled for an even year.  1973 and older is exempt from biannual checks.


Again Tiger Cat Thanks for your valuable info.Your extremely helpful and I greatly appreciate it. Happy Clippering and hope we can meet some day on one of the outings.
                 Ron H.


I'd like to add as a foot note to my previous reply that any and all questions regarding CA. emissions laws will be answered by the B.A.R. (Bureau of Automotive Repair).  They are located in most major cities and believe it or not, they are actually helpful and try to solve your problems.  They can be useful if you think you're getting a bum rap on your smog check.  There are plenty of lousy mechanics out there.


I don't know if anyone has done a smog check without the heat riser and live in the vally where we have smog check {2}our clipper dosent have one but it was always smoged in napa


Jim, I've lived in Manteca for 25 years and the heat riser is not included in the smog check.


thanks we need to get togather Id like to see your clipper and see what youv done to yours if you want you can reach me at Jim


Beginning next year (2004) all 1975 Clippers will be smog exempt.
Woooo  hoooo!!!!

Finally I don't have to deal with that pain in the a!! every two years.

I could tell you smog horror stories.........
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


   Are you sure about that? I have been informed by other members of the forum that your vehicle has to be 30 years or older to be smog exempt. I hope your right because it is a pain in you know where to get vehicles smogged these days. Where did you get your facts from so I can comfirm your information or did you just assume that it was exempt beginning in the year 2004? I'm hoping that your right.


   Disreguard that last post of mine. I mis read your post. Sorry about that. I thought it said 1978 were exempt from smog, not 1975. My mistake!