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50 Gal. Fuel Tank

Started by Kelly & Ilene Houser, November 12, 2003, 02:08:00 AM

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Kelly & Ilene Houser

I,m considering installing a 50 Gal. Fuel Tank.  Should I replace or add in conjunction with the 36 gal. that is on the Clipper now.
Any suggestions?  
Where can I get this done or can I do this on My Own?


Hi Kelly yes you can add a 50 gallon tank my dad had one put on our clipper it mounts just behind the rear axel and he had a switching valve and two pumps installed so he could switch tanks and pumps so all total I have 86 gallons under me the gages dont work so he figured at 7 miles per gallon he switched to the main after 350 miles witch gave him a little emergency gas if needed just make sure you do it right if it comes loose god help the guy behind you