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Hi all.Newbie in Phoenix

Started by GDS, November 08, 2013, 03:01:57 PM

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Have had my Clipper about a year now.79 Bunkhouse,Still a few things on the to do list.Nothing time and money won't fix.Looking forward to visiting with you all.


I have the same rig, same year.  Love it.  We're  rookies..bought ours in September of this year, been out about five of six times...all successful.  ;D
At the national rally last month...ours was the only bunk there, seems the rear kitchen was a popular floor plan. We don't have little children, so our bunk area serves as great a storage area.
So far, everything has been found to be in working order with the exception of minor work on the generator . How is yours? Where are you located...perhaps you can catch a rally. Fun people and great information.
Happy travels
Steve and lauren
1979 440 Dodge 21' Bunk      #3766
     Murphys, California


Welcome GDS!  Glad you found us here.  There's lots of information here to peruse, and if you can't find the answer, just ask.  Someone will have been there - done that. :)
'75 American Clipper Dodge 360 821F; ACOC #3754