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How to Stuff a Wild Bikini !

Started by RYBKA, May 10, 2003, 03:10:00 PM

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Ok, Now that I got yer attention.
(Yes I am talking you too Spence!)
Really its: How to stuff a 7.5 CF Dometic frige in the Clipper 6.0 CF space!
As with Bob Spence, my old frige stopped working on electric and only half heartedly worked on propane.  (Is this a NW kinda thing?)
Repair it?  Are you kidding? The tech is over 25 years old, good for the time, but a big fat dud in todays world, and besides, this getting on yer knees to change the fuel source had to go.
With 4 kids, the Wife was constantly complaining that the 6.0 was too small any way so.. replace it with the same size...NO!
After pulling the entire outside door, and door frame off the Clipper, I removed the screws and pulled the old unit out rather easily.
I purchased a Dometic 7.5 CF from Camping world on sale. Upon arrival I measured the outside and transferred them to the old space working from the left support pillar.
This caused the entire removal of the pantry shelves and separation wall.
After removing the vent hood and cutting the thing down to size, it was replaced with a new fab pantry wall and resized shelves that were reduced about four inches.
Everything looked good, except for one itty bitty problem, nothing in the old space was square!! Time must have squeezed the old wood to goofy shapes..what a nightmare!  
Though I could get the new frige in the door and entry way, it would not get past the bathroom wall.  It had to go! A few quick hits with a 10 pound hammer and I suddenly had a ton of room.  
To make a long story short, I now have a 7.5 frige in the ol'Clipper with frige controls at eye level.
The thing even changes fuel on its own.  Total time? One month of weekends.  
vty, Rybka #3279