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Black/Brown Plastic Interior Trim

Started by USNRetired, January 25, 2011, 07:12:22 PM

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I am talking about the trim around the doors, drawer fronts, plywood edges inside the Clipper.  Does anyone know where I can obtain this trim or something that looks very close?   I want to do some repairs, etc and need a lot of this stuff.  H E L P! ! ! !

Feel free to email me as well.
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)


Hi Jim

When I needed brown plastic trim I found some at an older RV dealer thad did repair work, i.e. insurance/body/interior. They had some old stock and I found a few sticks of this and that laying around. I was able to make it work for me. I also looked for it at the RV surplus stores in the Elkhart Indiana area and found none. I was told that that type of trim had not been used in many years and was out of production, at least in our area. Good luck and let us know what you find.


John Eversoll

Hey Jim, John here,   

Have you tried the local cabinet makers in your area???  They might have somethiing that willl come close...

I am going to go to home depot tomorrow and see if I can find something that will come close.  But I think your best bet would be to locate a local cabinet maker and see  if they have something that would work!!!

Later gater...  John :)


I've been doing some internet searches and have found several possibilities.  I have emails out to them asking if they can either send me a sample of what I think is close or if I can send them a sample of what I need and see if they will match it up.  I am not holding my breath.
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)