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Towing - Rear Frame Reinforcement

Started by USNRetired, September 03, 2010, 01:55:14 PM

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I am pretty new to the RV World and am a new member having purchased my 1977 American Clipper only about a month ago.  From talking with friends in the past, I did know enough to crawl under the rear of the motorhome and verify that the towing setup was attached to the frame instead of just the bumper and it is.  However, I am trying to find out just what I can tow with this beast.  It has the Dodge 440 engine and looks like it was set up to tow just about anything, but I know there is a weight limit.  I have both a 1995 Jeep Cherokee Sport and a 2010 Toyota Camry.   I would rather have a towing rig installed on the front end of the Jeep than go through the cutting and modifications required to set up my wife's Camry for towing.  The curb weight of the Jeep is 2955 lbs, Camry 3483 lbs.  My email is:  I need input and advice from other American Clipper Owners more experienced in towing with their RV's.  Please help!  My point is that my background is in electronics, telecommunications and electricity.  The entire setup looks good to me, but is it? 

Jim & Marina Johnson
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)


Make sure the hitch is properly attached to the STOCK part of the Dodge/Chevy frame - not merely the frame extension put on to hold the house.
Check out this diagram

If you are only attached to the extension, you'll have serious trouble towing a Jeep or Camry - might ruin your Clipper.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

John Eversoll

      Hi Jim, We have towed the wifes Vw across

      the Us twice and havent had a problem ---Yet"

      Works great on small cars... Havent tried it on big stuff--Yet"

      Later Gater...   John


So far, I have read that the Camry cannot be towed 4wheels down and the Jeep Cherokee 2WD cannot be towed with the rear wheels on the ground at all!  sigh.....  Jeep with rear on a tow dolly towed assbackwards? 
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)


maybe look for a cheap but realiable toad - may not be the prettiest, but who cares... (Geo Metro, VW Bug, a used Saturn, or??) - something that you can drag along behind you four wheels down and not worry about it too much.

I'm sure tow dollies have their place and application -  but I'd think they are a major pain in the butt - it's nice to able to simply disconnect your toad and drive off - and have the Clipper be free of any trailer, etc.

Makes maneuvering in smaller/tighter campgrounds much easier.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


There is a small company here in  Pender, Nebraska that makes tow bars and hitches for anything you wnat to put it on. They will have one for your camery that fits like its suppose to be there. Just google Blue ox and it will come up. Beter yet here is the phone number 1.888.425.5382.


Oh i for got to say. I pull a s-10 pickup trrailer behind me everywhere I go. We have four kids so i fill the trailer up with fire wood, coolers, bikes whatever I need it for.  I can have it full of just firewood and the clipper pulls it like its not even there. I had a 440 but now has a 400.