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Dual wheels.

Started by jon, August 30, 2010, 04:55:47 AM

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I have a 76 and I noticed when I pulled the front wheels off for the first time the other day to do some brake work that theres an adapter on the brake rotor. Im guesing is just there so you can have matching wheeles all the way around. I dont care if the front wheeles match. Why cant I get rid of that adapter and put studs in it and put on 16in 8 hole wheeles off my old f-250 pickup. I ended up junking the pickup and keeping the tires and wheeles. That had 16.5 tires so i went and bought 16 in wheels for it one is a dodge wheel for shure but they are all the same.  except Chevy has a smaller inside hole. If I could do this then I would only have to buy 4 16.5 tires for the back and have 2 spares. I have a set of four 16in wheeles so Id have 2 spares for the front also. I was told it would work. I was just wondering if anyone has tried it. I noticed theres a few pics of clippers that dont have the matching dully wheels in front.


Yea nevermind. wont work.