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Floor Plan Modification?

Started by Conrad, July 01, 2002, 03:13:00 PM

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I have the 821F rear kitchen model (1976 Dodge 360-2bbl).  I note in the floor plans at the ACOC page, there is a cut-out in the overhead bunk area.  Mine is a solid piece.  I have seen others with the cut out and wonder if mine has been modified.  Would anyone know?  It looks original but I was just wondering.  Thanks


Our overhead bunk has piece of plywood filling that area.It makes for a nice size bed.It is mounted flush and has trim and the underside[cab side] is carpeted.I might be able to send you a picture.Larry


having just looked at many different motorhomes before purchasing my Clipper, I would say that yours has been modified.  Almost ALL the MHs I saw had the cutout over the cab area for the bed with a peice that was inserted into the gap to complete the bed.  The ones that didn't, had the whole bed fold partially up or some other such mechanism to open up the space over the cab.

Mark Smith

The Clipper was originally designed without a cutout in the overcab bunk. There was no way to raise the bunk for easier acces to the cab. A drape hangs from the bunk level to the floor and another drape hangs  from the celing to the bunk level.  This design continued from 1974 - 1977. You will find 1977 models built either way.  In 1977 the cutout appeared and continued thereafter.  
Mark ACOC# 1077