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Interior Restoration Project Help ?

Started by dboling, August 30, 2009, 09:32:15 AM

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I purchased a 1977 American Clipper with the 821F Floor Plan from my neighbor, he had purchased it about 6 months before.

Drive Train:
440 HD
727 Trans
Dual Tanks.
Brand New Tires

The Motorhome has in it:
AC ( Working )
RM2500 Fridge (Working on Electric & Propane)
Generac 3500 Generator ( Working )
Converter ( Working )
Stove Magic Chef( Works )
Hot Water heater ( Works )
Furnace ( Works )
Water pump ( Works )

I've had it for a couple years parked under a tree and decided it was time to get it ready to use :) , I wish :(

First off a branch came off the tree and broke out the ceiling vent and left window in the over hang section, looks like they had been broke for a while. Also the roof above the divider wall for the bathroom and kitchen is leaking and has done quite a bit of damage to the upper kitchen cabnet.

I see the roof repair as the number one priority as to stop further damage ...
1. Where can I find a replacement window, think I need the whole frame with it.
2. Can any vent be installed for the broken vent above the bed.
3. What would I use to seal the roof and all the fixtures sticking out of the roof, I want to completely seal the roof cheap as I can.

Once the leaks are stopped the interior restoration project begins. I will need to remove the complete kitchen in the stove area. A previous owner tried to redo a bunch of the bathroom and did a hack job. (fresh water plumbing is leaking, shower, flooring, ect.). I will also need to remove the complete bathroom. The toilet and shower are in great shape so I'll reuse them.

4. How are the kitchen cabnets mounted and how do you remove them.
5. what would you use to replace the rotten wall and insulation ( I plan to replace all the interior wall and ceiling as I go ).
6. what type of plumbing should I use for the fresh water as I'll be completely replacing it.
7. I'll have to remove the wall between the kitchen and bath, how is it mounted.
8. How is the shower mounted.

The Motorhome runs and drives but needs a bunch of work to get it road ready ( Mostly hoses ).
Is this project worth the time and money or should I sell it and look for a better Motorhome ?


depends on several factors......
1) Do you have a lot of time and a lot of skills?
2) Are you going to be using it a lot? (like say 60+ days per year)
3) Do you like getting frustrated, stumped, confused, and pissed off, because unless you have TONS of electrical, carpentry and plumbing skills, you will experience at least a few setbacks, your vocabulary will degrade, you will be bleeding, and so on.
4) How much did you pay for it? Maybe you can sell it for what you paid for it and look for something else??

But, if you have lots of time, a few spare bucks, average skills, and you LIKE noodling around on projects - keep it, fix it, love'll not regret it.
As far as your questions - for the most part, just start taking stuff apart, you'll soon figure out how it all fits - some projects are a pain, other not so bad.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


    Welcome! You are in possession of a classic (yet minor, and overlooked) piece of Americana. The American Clipper rests in the hearts of the people of this forum in the same way a Camero or Mustang would to a Motor head. I encourage you to join us, but reparing/maintaining the American Clipper can be an overwhelming task, in which case feel free to pass your Clipper on in the manner of your choosing. Please know that there is a wealth of information and tribal knowledge for this rig here, but sometimes you have to dig deep in the archived posts, and the search feature has helped me out tremendously.You wont find too many dedicated forums for one particular RV like this.
     I don't have much knowledge on most of your questions, but as far as the roof leak is concerned, I would start here:
and definitely look through their other stuff as it might help.
    I am not certain which window is broken in your rig, perhaps you could be more specific? The company that made the side windows with the crank knobs is Hehr:

Hope these links help, and I hope your Clippers road to recovery is short!


As Horst and pd2 said it's a labor of love, but a labor nonetheless. If you have extensive roof leaks it probably is easier to tear out the ceiling material completely as you will need to replace the soaked insulation too. A messy job for sure. The roof hatch should be sized to the framing that will be exposed when you remove the ceiling. Eternabond is a tape-like material that is great for sealing almost any new installation or an old one that you can clean down to the original surface. It even works on leaky holding tanks. The Clip's roof is solid fiberglass shell so most wouldn't 'seal' the entire roof, just clean/caulk or eternabond any protrusions. If you search this forum you will find pictures from  one member who removed his ceiling cabinets as well as multiple post on plumbing mods/repairs. You will also gain insight  into the amount of work involved in most of your projects and be able to more clearly decide if you are up to the challenge. You will find very helpful and friendly advise on this forum if needed.


If you replace the escape hatch over the bed don't do what the former owners done with mine.  They put one in that a giant could go through.  It really reduced the rigidity of the overhead and the vent cover usually flaps when your going down the highway.    I suggest putting in one only big enough for you and the occupants with you to easily get out through.
SOLD MY 1975     821F      360cc  ACOC #3645


Quote from: mccammonds on August 31, 2009, 11:18:10 AM
If you replace the escape hatch over the bed don't do what the former owners done with mine.  They put one in that a giant could go through.  It really reduced the rigidity of the overhead and the vent cover usually flaps when your going down the highway.    I suggest putting in one only big enough for you and the occupants with you to easily get out through.

Sounds like I can install any size vent above the bed that I choose, long as its not smaller than the rectangular hole that's already there, Kewl !

I don't want a big one, besides the reason you stated it would add to the heat loss.

John Eversoll

dboling; You will be very surprised to find how good you really are when you get in to it!!!
My daughter and I are tearing apart the rig to up grade it.  Daughter has learned how to remove the motor and trans. She has also learned how to remove the fridge and the pannleing as ours was really beyond repair. I reupholstered the
the couch /bed and captain chairs. Our next task will be to remove the kitchen
/stove.. as is in your msg... Our bathroom is Clostraphobicand would love to enlarge it but as you can see by looking at yours "you can't enlarge the potty"
"Thank god for the window!!!"  When you get thfinmished with the rig and drive it
with Pride into that Camp gound YOU will see lots of guys turning their heads to look at your Rig!! Be proud of it !! Because your sweat and blood is in it and if
something geos wrong you -- You will know what to do to fix it!!  Plus we are here to give advice!!!  Horst and pd2 and JERRYT are real real great at hints and helpfull suggestions!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
But it is up to you.. I have had our rig for 15 yrs and she does need work in and out but we will get her finished... Let us know how you are doing !!!!! we will always have a howdy for ya and a hint or evebn an answer.. Enjoy!!!!  John E. :)


Thanks for all great input, it has given me a lot of motivation.

This weekend I redid most of the plumbing pipe and have all the major leaks repaired. My neighbor is a plumber and suggested I do the plumbing in kurn pex.

Replacing the plumbing was the easy part. The hard part was locating all the fitting and pipe that would interchange between RV and Home piping. not to mention it being a holiday weekend.

I still have a few leaks that need to be fixed, but those leaks are from the kitchen and bathroom faucets. I'm not sure where to get the new seals for them, any suggestions ?


Sounds like your off to a good start, got any pictures?

John Eversoll

HOOOOOOOORAAaaaaaa!!!!!   I knew you could do it!!!!!! ;D :)

Makes ya feel pretty good about ones self Huh!!!!!!



Quote from: JerryT on September 08, 2009, 06:25:00 PM
Sounds like your off to a good start, got any pictures?

I'll take a few and post them, not sure where the best place to post them would be...


Quote from: John Eversoll on September 09, 2009, 04:42:24 AM
HOOOOOOOORAAaaaaaa!!!!!   I knew you could do it!!!!!! ;D :)

Makes ya feel pretty good about ones self Huh!!!!!!


Yes and No :)

My skill level is pretty high as I was an Mechanic for over 20 years, repairing everything from VW to Kenworth from the wheels up.
My first real job in life was installing heating and a/c in homes. I also lived in California a few years and did prefab construction.

But ya, it does give great enjoyment to sit down in the motorhome, grab a nice ice cold Coors light from the motorhomes fridge, flip on the water pump and just watch the water run from the faucets :) :) :)

Do these water pumps turn off after a certain pressure ?
My pump say 40 psi on it but doesn't seem to shutdown.


You can post them here in the forum, see "additional options" at the bottom of your post.


John Eversoll

Hi PD2, Yours shuts down>>>>>>>>>>!!!!!?????

Mine doesn't... I think that is how I blew a water line..

I just shut mine down when it is not in use..

How ya been.  Anything new with the rig???

Take care, John E.

"Stranded in Calif."   ;)