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our Clipper Caught on Fire!!!

Started by allofusswrights, July 26, 2009, 11:30:31 PM

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When we first started out we couldn't find the transmission fluid holder so we just assumed it was fine.  Wrong Idea!!!  It died on us and wouldnt go.  We searched for two hours trying to find the dipstick and finally found it way under there in an unusual place.  So we walked to the gas stating filled it up and then it was fine.  We arrived at our destination safely and had a great time.

On the way back, we were almost home when we started hearing popping noises.  The steering then became very difficult to control and we then started seeing smoke off the right side.  We pulled over and it became a full on fire.  The fir extinguisher was not up to par and didn't work so we flagged down a delivery driver who had one just in time to save our rig.  We all got out safe but had no plan in place for emergency exit.  I have since gone to RV Safety websites and have realized a few things.  One of them being proper maintenance.  The main starter of fires?  Leaking transmission fluid.

Lesson learned...Hard!  We are hoping to save or cherished treasure but could take any advise on how to work it and to ensure fires don't happen again.  We are new owners and realize we should have invested more time into making sure all of the parts worked.  One thing we did notice...It was a mess under there.  Spark plugs were torn up to begin with one of them was completely off and broken, and most of the hoses were pieced together with electrical tape.

My husband thinks a radiator hose is the cause of the fire so we're hoping not all is lost.  Our childreh were with us and we're just glad their safe.  I am a bit aprehensive even when it is fixed, to drive it out again though:(

John Eversoll

Hey Don't worry your pretty little head about it.
We ourselfs had a fire and everything turned out fine. Just gave our daughter something to talk about at school the next Monday.
I did infact make sure "all wires were tied and Not bouncing around along with the vacume hoses and fuel line"  Replace the burned wires with crimp connections and then tape the ends. I did infact increased the fire extinguisher capasity to six" Here is a trick that I learned from a guy. take out the Ash tray, drill a 3/4 hole.
If in deed you ghave an engine fire again. PUT THE fire extinguisher Nozzle in the hole and squeeeeeze the trigger...
Just remember to put the Ash tray back..One more thing
Get a plug from Home Depot to go in the hole so you can remove it when you need to!
John. :)