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Water leaks

Started by Nel77, June 10, 2002, 01:01:00 PM

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I have recently purchased a 77 440 Rear Kitchen Clipper. I noticed right away (and the previous owner pointed out) that there it had a dripping faucet that caused the water pump to kick in every 30 seconds or so. I decided to only turn on the pump when I needed water until I could fix it. Well, we took our clipper on our first outing last weekend and when my daughter in law used the shower water began pour on the ground. It appeared to coming from the bathroom area. Now that I have it home I have found several leaks. The supply lines, both the hot and cold, for the kitchen faucet and at the pump. I also pulled up the bathroom floor which I discovered had been pulled up before and replaced very poorly. I noticed that the previous owner had patched leaking line before by using clear hose and hose clamps. Finally for my questions. 1) Should I dig deeper and actually pull the toilet and the rest of the floor and look for more leaks. 2) I am not so sure the way the lines were fixed by the previous owner is the best way to do it. Any other Ideas?
Randy Nelson
Member #3307

Matthew Kramer

Hi Randy, I have the same problem, I bought my Clipper a couple of months ago. I have replaced all the water lines for a cost of approx. $100.00. It was not that big a problem replacing them. My problem now is replacing the the plywood under the shower. If you find out anything please advise.