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Temperature Gauge & Other Gauges

Started by anniejdahlgren, April 07, 2008, 10:19:54 PM

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Just as I was taking off for my first big trip in our "new" 1978 Clipper Bunkhouse the speedometer stopped working and the Temperature Gauge - which I'd already suspected of being faulty lived up to my suspicions and ceased to work also.  Did the trip anyway as I certainly wasn't going to be speeding and filling the tank - oh yes the gas gauge is way off too - every 100 miles or so ensured I wouldn't run out of gas.

So for starters, I'm looking for a new or rebuilt temperature gauge - any ideas?

Thanks - Neal

P.S. Thanks for the part#s list.  Hopefully the speedometer problem is the long cable and now I know where to find one.   


I been having some other work done on my 78' and the mechanic said to me after a week, "Did you know this thing runs hot?"  After replacing the thermostat, and sensor it still showed hot.  I think he somehow attached a thermometer to the engine and found it was okay.  So, he determined the gauge on the dash had gone bad.  He told me it would be almost impossible to find a replacement so he installed an after market gauge under the dash next to the dog house (engine housing inside RV).  Sorry, I am a woman and don't know all the technical terms.  Now, I feel more confident with this gauge.  The price was reasonable.