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Redoing the interior

Started by Mac, September 17, 2007, 08:26:02 AM

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We are redoing our '77 Clipper 821 FC and would like to convert it to an 821 F model by taking out the swivel chairs and cabinet and replacing them with the couch.  Anyone out there interested in a trade?  If so, just hit me with a PM to discuss.

Mac 8)


I would be interested in a swap since I want the chairs and cabinet. Lets talk.
canine caravan ACOC #3552


So, how did the swap go? I have the sofa and want the chairs, I too would be wiling if someone were to want to make a swap.


John Eversoll

Hi there guys, I have an American Clipper 77 to be exact and have to replace the ceiling due to water damage

HELP!!! How do I get started..  AAlso I had the back window broken out due to a mad golf ball.

Where do I get a replacement????

Anyone around Anaheim Calif???

I would love to get help with my ride, I have the tools and the willing  but need help since I am a little hanicapped.

I would love to get the ride ready for a trip to our property in Oregon Jan of 2010.

I make a mean bbq and have some great conversation.  John