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Dometic Refrigerator Plastic Door Latch

Started by JeffM, August 09, 2007, 01:13:14 PM

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I am looking for the plastic latch that holds the door closed on my old Dometic refriderator (1976 Dodge 440 rear kitchen and bath Clipper). Does anyone know where replacements or aftermarket versions are available?
Jeff Milligan
ACCOC #3632


Does anyone know if the travel latch that is listed on the ACOC merchandise order form fits on a Dometic fridge? I presume that these are/were installed in mid-70's Clippers. Mine is a 1976 rear kitchen/bath Dodge 21' 440.
Jeff Milligan
ACCOC #3632


Jeff, does your lock look like mine? (see pics) I bought one from the club and it did not work, it was like a big nail that went into holes. I found replacements at a local rv repair dealer and I am going to buy an extra one. They had a couple of choices so I need to take mine in when I go, I think they were from Dometic.


Hi all!
Just picked up a spare travel latch, Dometic part# 2002759005 models D&E. I googled it when I got home and  found them on Ebay for $5.00 Now that I have a spare I'll never need it:)


Thanks so much for the pictures and the part number...yes, that is the latch I am looking for. I found a latch at an RV store but it was not the correct one. I will try to track down that ones that you found.
Jeff Milligan
ACCOC #3632
