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Advice needed re smog failure on my '79 Clipper, 24 footer

Started by mfisher, March 06, 2007, 12:08:05 PM

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After huge expense to rebuild the 440 engine the Edelbrock carburetor will not pass smog and must be replaced at even more expense.  Earlier advice had convinced me to go to Edelbrock after meltdown of Thermo-quad. New mechanic, smog specialist, says they cannot make it work--incompatibile with EGR.  I won't be able to get exemption from smog referee either.  After $12k spent on rebuild and tranny repair I'm looking at $2500 more to change carburetor again get it to pass smog.  Would I be better off just to sell the rebuilt engine outright?  It only has 5000 miles on it. How much could I get for it? The rebuild cost $9000, engine is good and strong.  The coach is in good condition, barely used since I bought it from Conrad Liberty.  I just want to sell it or part it out.  Thanks.

new clipper

Assuming your in CA. Edelbrock sells carbs for CA with a C.A.R.B #. This makes them smog legal in this state. I would suggest replacing with a used quadrajet just to pass smog then reinstall the edelbrock. You can get a 4 barrel for next to nothing. If you decide to part out let me know there's some parts I need.