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Need Advise to avoid a fire !!

Started by David & Jan, June 07, 2006, 07:18:04 PM

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David & Jan

Help !!! Have a dead short in the dash lights, but can't find it anywhere!
Has anyone else had this problem, and if so, got any answers for us?
It is blowing fuses as fast as we can put them in. We have traced the wires looking for any breaks or burned spots, but haven't found any.
Would appreciate any advise.  
   Dave & Jan


Richard Peterson

You might start by dis-connecting the battery and begin looking for a short circuit with an ohm meter.  You may have a problem in the rear parking circuit.  Those wires are more prone to develop problems.  If you continue to isolate circuits, you'll eventually find the problem.  I believe you'll find the cause at a location other than behind the dash.  But I've been wrong before.............good luck! 8)
Richard Peterson

David & Jan

We wanted to thank you for your suggestion...........We had begun to check it out with the ohm meter, and to no avail!
Then after 3 days, found it was the headlight switch itself that was shorting out!
So, off to the parts store, & hope that does it!
Thanks much again
  Dave & Jan :wink: