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Started by David & Jan, March 28, 2006, 01:55:03 PM

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David & Jan

We would like to buy new tail lights for our ( 78 Rear kitchen ) Clipper.
I noticed they are no longer listed in your merchandise list. Can anyone tell me where we could find them?  
Thanks in advance........Jan

P.S.  -  Was not aware of the club when we bought our " Klippy"......Just happened to stumble on it when checking out parts on the web. Joined right away! Love it!


The tail light assemblies are available through our supply officer  MEL  :)
They are listed ,along with purchasing procedure, on the order guides  8) that came with your news letters. CLIPPER GOOd! Bob Chaney

David & Jan

Thanks Bob....I guess the eyes are going the way of the memory !! I looked that list over at least 5 times until I found them!
Guess I better get the order on it's way before I forget what we needed!


I have a rear kitchen 78 and I replaiced my tail lights too. I got the triple lens ones from the club but they left a wireing hole exposed. Some people just put a stickey reflector over the hole, I went one step further. I bought  locally two single lens units, swapped some guts with the triple units and made them into back up lights, so now the triple units are all red lens, stop/running and mounted next to them are the single units with the red clear backup lens. It looks good. These lights are available in single, double, and triple, surface mount and recessed mount. The clipper uses surface mount as there is no room for recessed ones.