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Greetings from Canmore Alberta Cananda

Started by bigray, November 22, 2005, 08:12:46 AM

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Greetings All,

My wife and two kids (a.k.a crumb snatchers) decided to vacation in Canada this week. I left my laptop behind so that I wouldn't have any inclination to work. Of course, I'm having withdrawal from the Clip forum.

The Grand Canadian Resort in Canmore is a wonderful place and has a internet station which I'm using. I'm sure the connection is dial up because it is slow as you-know-what! At any rate, we flew in to Calgary and drove over. This area is great.

We went dog sledding yesterday and it was the best. I'll have to post some pics when we get back. We will be here until Saturday. We are planning to do all the touristy stuff but was looking for some idea from anyone that had visited this area before.

Talk to you later 'ey!!!

Andy Illes

Sheesh...... whatta Internet junky!!!!!!!!!!!!

Glad y'all are having a good time Ray..... told ya, it's magnificent up around there.  Too bad you aren't Clipping it, is all... sigh.   Just think, you could be changing a fuel filter atop some 10,000' pass.... :):):)

Enjoy, buddy!!

PS... notice Rodney posted a couple Wilma pics???   HAH... laggard!