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cracked gas tank

Started by Horst, October 08, 2010, 05:28:27 AM

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John Eversoll

  Hi there Horst, Yea I have given it much the thought  and uess I will

  get a new tank..  You are right, age will get to the tank and for all saftey reasons

  will purchess a new fuel tank..  right now I am running three fuel filters just to make sure that No crap from the tank gets to the carb...  That maybe over kill -- but
with the price to get the carb rebuilt I am not taking chances.. I have a back up carb and am keeping it in plastic till I need it..

Just like the fridge situation, I would rather buy a new one than try to fix the Old pricey
fridge that will just keep me putting money into it!!
Take care and thanks for the info on the tanks!!!   I will be giving them a call!!!

     JOHN  :)


very strange - it appears to have stopped leaking???
The gas is still there (checked the gauge) - no more smell - no more seeping??
Can a slow gas leak seal itself?

I'm still going to sand it up and apply a second coat of the Permatex - see what happens.

Save my nickels in the mean time for a new tank, among other things.
The wife and I are debating (mildly) about whether or not it will be possible for us to full-time in a Clipper.

I want something a bit bigger and newer - she wants to keep the Clipper and invest in it.

Unfortunately  there were only about  25 or so Airstream 250s made - my dream rig - the chances of me finding one for sale are just about zero - hundreds of others like me out there hunting for one...    :(

I may keep the Clipper..........and still get another rig!
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


Well - before I plunk down $650 plus tax and shipping - and then pay my local whiz kid to install it - I'm gonna try this stuff

a few people said it has worked for them - worth a try I suppose - only a couple bucks - I'll report results when I get the stuff (Amazon) and when I actually apply it - need to remove all the permatex stuff first, etc.

btw - wife and I decided to keep the Clipper for another several years - but we are going to be getting a trailer and tow rig for extended travels - Clipper will be for local trips (Northern California) only - and maybe as our son's first "apartment" before he leaves the "nest" for good.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

John Eversoll

   Hi there Horst, I must say that I have been doing some digging on fuel tanks...

   There is a company in Santa Ana that make them..   He was trying to quote me a price

   of 350  for a 25 gal tank.. All galvanized...  But would have to see the origional tank

   before he could give me a real price...  Let ya know what happs....  John


25 gallon? You must be like me - not to worried about how far you can go in between fill-ups....
yes - I'd l like to know how that turns out - a 25 would be OK for me - especially at $350
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.

John Eversoll