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safety lights

Started by caninecaravan, August 30, 2005, 09:40:43 PM

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Andy Illes

Bob.... I'm truly sorry you take offense, nobody intended that.  However, Horst is absolutely right... the kind of banter you're seeing is just how it is "these days".  Times do change, Bob, and things do evolve.  Our forums are just keeping up with the times and being used in the exact way other similar small-community forums are.

Most of you Cal folks can get together at meets and get to know each other and do your "BS-ing" in person... while geography denies others of us that socialization.  These forums substitute for that opportunity, which certainly seems to be one of the benefits the forums SHOULD provide.  I think even you would admit that NO post has been offensive in ANY sense of the term.... other than it's just different from what you seem to have been used to "before".

All of us owe a huge debt of gratitude to ALL of you "old timers" for what you have done... from forming the ACOC itself, to the newsletters, to the forums, to Mel's store.... all of it.  Thank you!!  I also have to mention that all of our "officials" do a great job considering their volunteer status.

Speaking of Mel, the ONLY problem is the horse-and-buggy snail-mail process of mailing a check, etc.  I would gladly offer to arrange a PayPal account for the Club, AND pay the fee, to enable phone/email/online payment and ordering.  Though I've bought everything possible through the "store"... do you REALLY want to wait several weeks for something you'd like to do this weekend?  It's just another thing that needs to "change with the times".  By the way, a PayPal account for dues and sales would GREATLY ease bookeeping for Wiletta.

Best regards, Andy


:oops:  Open mouth, insert foot- I get it, As I said before -My intent was better than my way of expressing what I had on my mind. At any rate.For that I apologize again.  The one issue that has always bothered me is the lack of use of the information published. In short the asking for information time and again that has been published to a fair thee well  in the past news letters, the organized news letter index, and even more available on the websight. My  lack of tact in describing or trying to outline some other issues is just me . Bull in a china closet, mouth open mind disengaged. As to new members versus old members I in fact do not think in those terms at all. I guess the thing I admire most about all the input from the newer people is the fact that the club is spreading to other southern and eastern and midwestern states. Thats all good. Here to for we have been a predominetly a western regions group. And getting weaker each year. The newer membership support  will just maybe be the salvation of our club and the Clippers. :) Your responses to my posts have given me a little needed guidance, And I hope better judgement. This is and always has been a California inspired group, with practically every thing and most of the leader ship based on that larger group. I comment on this because we from other States  have faced and lived with the inconveiences this situation has created as, Because the Clippers And the Club are worth going the extra mile.  I am not suggesting any radical change , But I would be in favor of any location, policy, or  method of stream lining or improving  the operation,  that the active voluntary officers or the members at large come up with. AND YOU "NEW" GUY'S and Gal's are certainly active 8) Bob Chaney


I want to know why people are using my question on the lights for the clipper as a way to respond as to old vs new members, where membership is in the club and  general appoligies for things said. That has nothing to do with the question I asked. That should have been a new post and posted to the general question page and not to the tech page. I am set up for automated response and I don't appreciate it.

I am a new member. I attened my first ralley this past weekend and it was wonderful. ACOC 3552 78 821-SK
canine caravan ACOC #3552


I have been waiting for you caninecaravan to let us know if you recieved you lights, how they fit and if you have them working?

That's great your lucky to be close to one!!
I am a new member. I attened my first ralley this past weekend and it was wonderful. ACOC 3552 78 821-SK

and jeepers I think Junebob is just trying to mend fences and it's just one little old e-mail but I do understand what you are saying and I think we will all catch on about staying on topic in threads.
Lets all be happy and friendly, well get it togther.
:D  :D  :D  :D


Thanks for your input
 One last comment that I feel is neccesary because I started a negetive  exchange , ( as well as receiving some positive inputs) that resulted in SOME OF the very kind of thing I was trying to address.  That being what I thought was rhetoric that was a misuse of the web sight.I have been corrected, In reflection,  I guess the old saying, "It's an ill wind that does not do anyone some good" might be applicable here. Best Bob Chaney. :)


Quote from: "junebob"Thanks for your input
 One last comment that I feel is neccesary because I started a negetive  exchange , ( as well as receiving some positive inputs) that resulted in SOME OF the very kind of thing I was trying to address.  That being what I thought was rhetoric that was a misuse of the web sight.I have been corrected, In reflection,  I guess the old saying, "It's an ill wind that does not do anyone some good" might be applicable here. Best Bob Chaney. :)

Not to keep this dragging on, but I do see Bob's point. However, I think the "chit chat" point is specifically for the Tech Forum. Each quarter, to prepare for the newsletter, someone has to go thru the Tech Forum and pull out the useful posts to be added to the newsletter. When reading the newsletter, it is pretty confusing/off-topic when there is "Hows the weather out there" comments and such. If the off-topic discussion is not edited out, it makes for a real long, confusing newsletter.

So, to assist in that GIANT job, I believe the tradition has been to keep off-topic discussion to a minimum. Possibly that tradition has taken on a life of its own.

With the addition of the General Discussion forum, it will be a bit easier to keep on track in the Tech Forum. It is STILL a difficult task for me - splitting threads, moving entire posts, etc,  is very time consuming, and very easy to goof things up to completely confuse people. I will try to keep up, but it is not easy to do some of these things. Realistically, Tech advice will not be a one sentence question and a one sentence answer. Won't happen. Different cases, different experiences. That is just the deal. That is when the manual editing for the newsletter will come in.

Summary: it helps everyone to keep posts in the Tech Forum stricktly on-topic. If a discussion on a Tech topic is desired, it would be best to open a new thread in the General Discussion Forum with something like "Discussion: safety lights" as the subject.

Again, we cross a busy street with this, as the Tech Forum is suppose to be for members only. Details, details.


Andy Illes

I both appreciate and respect your comments, Dig.... the newsletter bit finally dawned on me after Bob's first post about it.   The new forum really should take care of it.

You're doing an awesome job, buddy... and your efforts are truly (under) appreciated.

Hats off to you... and thanx!!!!    :lol: