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Hey Chuck Carrol""""

Started by John Eversoll, September 08, 2011, 10:30:07 PM

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John Eversoll

Hi chuck, Hows it going in Christmas Valley....

Did you and the wife take a trip to Klamath falls the other day????

If so we saw ya pass by Miletas Resturant on  97........

Take care, John Eversoll


M brother Chuck lives in Christmas Valley.....Oregon :o

John Eversoll


it's a small world.
actually Silver Lake I need to make it south and check out the new house he is building.

John Eversoll

How weird is that, we just drove by Silver lake on our way home from Bend....

Tell him I said Hi.....



Sent you a email hope you get it if not I  am at

Hope to here from you

John Eversoll

Hi there chuck, I just tried to send you an e mail.... Problem,, came back ..
No Connection "  @ your end....

Whats up?? I still here in Chiloquin...



don't know whats up but i revived other mail today if all fails call me 5035074760


John Eversoll

Hi Chuck, I will call ya sometime on friday..."after I get up" lol
