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Started by nhoj03, August 02, 2005, 09:02:31 PM

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Who else loves camping with there Clipper?????? 1975 AC rear kitchen, so much history, so special!!!!!!!
1975 American Clipper, 21ft Rear Kitchen, Dodge 360, 521F


I do when I can find the time :) which is not to often this year so far.


I love my Clipper and Clip'n too!!!!!


Gas prices are keeping me from a trip of any length but my brother owns some gorgeous propery on a creek, about 40 miles from me.  Get to do some nice dry camping that does't break the gas budget!! :D   Can you believe it it's in the middle of nowhere BUT on the other side of the creek is a county road....with a really good straight stretch.  so guess where the kids come in their little loud cars to rip and race. HAH  I would complain but I did the exact same thing when I was their age.  Karma will get you everytime! Sue