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New Pa owner of a 1975 AC, Rear Kitchen

Started by nhoj03, August 01, 2005, 06:55:39 PM

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After owning this Clipper for 2 years now, I cannot believe that there is an actual owners club for this!!!!! I am so excited!!! I had no idea that my "camper" was so special!!!! But, from the first moment i saw it, I knew that something about it was different and special from anything I have seen before. My Clipper had an uneventful life until I found it. It was given to me By a friend 2 years ago. Prior to this it sat outside for about 20 years. I am still in the process of finishing rennovations to the Clipper. For the past 2 years I had always called it A 1975 dodge sportsman. I had no idea that The body was made By American Clipper!!!!!! I Tried endlessly to find information but came up short until one day while on Ebay!!!!!! I was searching for parts under "Dodge Motorhome", when i found a Clipper for sale. The item description stated that the motorhome for sale," which looked exactly" like mine was an American Clipper!!!!! The description also stated about the ACOC website. This was great news!!!!!!!!!!!! I immediately went to the website, registered and already have purchased items!!!!!!! I am so happy now about my camper which i always thought was special, now has a name and a great history!!!!! :D
1975 American Clipper, 21ft Rear Kitchen, Dodge 360, 521F



Glad you found the club! We are excited to have you join us!

Andy Illes

Hiyya, and ditto on Ray's welcome!!  We're always glad to find new owners here.

You asked about a bumper.  I got a tad close to a chain link fence last November and sortta added some new shapes to mine.  I gave up trying to find a replacement and made a PVC one instead... $35, including the can of paint...  :D  I had to keep it street-parked for months while I was up in NYC, where parking is a contact sport, and it survived fine, where the chrome one wouldda gotten beat to scrap.  I was gonna get a square alum one when I got back (, but this PVC one has proven so survivable, I'm keeping it.  Alternately, you could get it rechromed like BigRay said, but it's getting difficult to find shops.  Good 'ol EPA protecting us from ourselves again... sigh.

Ray posted a pic of it somewhere in the Greetings forum for me, you can see if you want to do the same... I think it looks good.  The only "trick" is marking exactly where the bumper mounts are on the PVC, heating it (using a heat gun, it takes a LOT of heat) around that area until it softens enough to let you mash a 1x4 to form a flat spot, and holding it long enough to cool the PVC, so it holds the shape.

Again, GLAD you found us, and GLAD to have you!!!
