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3 way fridge, propane

Started by susan-y, June 30, 2005, 08:26:44 AM

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For some reason when lighting the fridge ( pull the knob, push the striker, hold for 15 seconds, release) the flame will go out when I release the pull knob.  I removed the back cover and see that the knob lifts a "valve".  Would it be a major foopah (don't think I have ever spelled that before) if I cut a section of wood and once the flame was lit, just held the "valve" up/open.  I will be dry camping this weekend and would really love to have my fridge, but don't want to be leaking propane or anything like that. :shock:  Sue


Better safe than dead...........use a cooler this weekend and have that thing checked out afterwards! Just my two cents after a few drinks!

Robert P. Anderson

I would hold the valve open for at least 60 t0 90 sec.
The most common problem is the cap tube that goes fron the valve you are holding open in the back of the ref. The cap tube is the little line that goes fron the valve to the pilot. It is easy to replace by removing it from the valve and from the pilot.  
:D Bob


Thanks BigRay and Robert.  I will try the 60-90 second thing.  Will look at replacing the pilot line when I get back.   If no go, it's cooler time for me! Happy Fourth!


Could also be a thermocouple.  Once lit, the flame keps the thermocouple hot which makes a small voltage which is used to hold the valve open.  If the light goes out, no heat, no current NO GAS.

Thermocouples get old and weak, at some point they will not create enough current to hold the valve open.   Sometimes they will be borderline so they might work for a while, or work after manually holding the valve open (holding the knob out on the fridge). But when they start acting up, it's time to replace them.

Not too expensive and usually not too hard to do.
I think the last one I did was $15, but that was my water heater.
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


well Robert P. Andersons solution worked!  Did the 60-90 second thing and it worked like a champ.  Hope you all had a good fourth.  Now I have to clean up were my grandnephew spread hand lotion on the beagle :roll:(thought that boy was being pretty quiet).        Sue