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Water pump problem

Started by MCLewis, June 30, 2002, 05:32:00 PM

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Our waterpump seems to run for a long time and then cycles every few seconds.  We thought the pump was going out but are now wondering if there is a leak somewhere.  Any ideas on how to tell what the problem is?  Was also wondering, how often it should cycle and if we should leave it on or just turn it on when needed? Thanks.

Richard Peterson

Sure sounds like you have a leak somewhere.  A positive indicator would be water showing up under your rig.  I had a leak below the kitchen sink on mine and didn't know it until I saw the water under the back dripping down.  I had not used my home yet so wasn't running the pump very often.  You could just shut the pump off between uses until you find the problem.
Richard Peterson


Richard;  On my '77 821F (rear kitchen)there is a access plate under the bath room sink directly under the drain,  By lifting this plate, you may (I hope) see two 'tee' connections.  Try turning the pump on and take a look for any leaks or seepage on the floor.  I just recently discovered a 'major' leak in one of the 'tees' when the pump was on.  The leak was a pinhole in the middle of the tee.  I took the easy way out and used 'Super Tex', an epoxy.  End of leak.  This access area does allow you to view the bottom floor for wet spots.  Hope you find your leak.


Richard I also have a 77 rear kitchen if you want to save your self a lot of head aches later on take the vanity out and cut the floor from the rear of the door to the rear of the vanity there youll find all the water lines and tees but also alot of your wiring just be careful not to cut to deep  


sorry I ment to say MC not Richard


Thanks for the info.  We have a side kitchen and I don't see any leaks under kitchen or bathroom sink.  And no drips under the motorhome.  Guess it may be the pump after all?  Maybe we should run the pump for 30 minutes or so to see??