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shocks and stains!

Started by mikeyo, April 08, 2005, 07:36:32 PM

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what kind of shocks should i put on the back of the clipper?
how high off the ground should the back of the clipper be? i might be sagging.
i have water damage on my ceiling. you know, the whitish kind of finish it has. is there any way of fixing the nasty look it has now? it's all brown and stained from the rain. please help clipperers! thanks!


I have monroe shocks. Some people swear by Blisteins but they are a little pricey. Personally, I don't think they the rear ones do that much with all the weight of the coach. Too, I have airbags in the rear so I think they absorb the bounce before the weight reaches the shocks!

The rear end should be on even plane with the front. I had sag due to my  brackets for my airbags were bent upwards causing my rear to sag. I had a fabrication shop remove the original ones and replace them with stronger reinforced  steel brackets/supports. Once I did that my sag was gone.  I was lucky because the brackets gave as oppose to bending my overhang frame. It's has a slight sag when I deflate my airbags completely but I can correct it very easily by adding air to the airbags.

Make a difference in handling by having he back at the same plane as the front. Mileage too!

As far as the ceiling, mine was slightly discolored because of age and slight moisture over the years. I got some Behr paint from Home Depot and painted the roof. It looks great! You might wish to do the same! Just tape up the borders and go to work!

terry and karen conkle

i wonder if my 79 chev had air ride, i find air line behind the rear wheels that goes inward and along the frame towards the rear  to a brass fitting, but no clue as to where a air bag might have been.


Andy Illes

Hiyya Terry

Mine was really saggy when I got it too, and also had an "air line to nowhere" like yours.  I guessed all Clips were plumbed for airbags, whether they were actually fitted or not, while the coach was built and easy to get at (like the genny wiring).  I found a truck place that re-arched springs, but wound up having them fit new ones along with a new set of Monroes for something like $250, if I remember right.   Ray's right, it made a HUGE difference all around!!

Had the staining too and short of replacing the panels, yeah... paint it.  I'd suggest a primer-sealer like Zins, Bullseye or Kilz though, which will stick and not peel on most anything, along with sealing-in the stains which could bleed through regular paint.  After that, if you wanna get fancy, a tan latex dabbed on with a rag, rumpled newspaper or something, oughtta get it like new.  I haven't done the fancy part, but according to the TV decorating gurus, it should work pretty well.

Enjoy... :)