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tail light assemblies

Started by Bill Henry, January 30, 2005, 10:16:17 PM

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Bill Henry

I bought a '78 yesterday and it's missing 1 of the 2 rear license plate light lens.
Also, the right tail light assembly is pretty worn, I'd like to replace it.  Are they available?   How about the license plate lens?



Hiyya Bill.... welcome to Clipperland!!!  

The tail light assemblies are available through the club.... $35 ea.  When I got mine, it had cobbled-up generic truck/trailer lights, so I got a pair (along with new AC decals) for my '76, and they were an exact duplicate.  Btw - spring for a pair... the new one will make your other one (that looks ok now) look like crap....  :D   Without exaggeration, they made the thing look new.  The license plate light assy is also available... $5.  Also check out All-Rite RV Supply ( 1-800-642-9988)... they carry pretty much A-to-Z RV stuff, including near impossible-to-find little odds and ends stuff.

If you haven't joined yet... do it immediately!!!  It's a fantastic bunch of people, and the help and stuff available through the Club is invaluable!!!  You'll love the Tech Forum too... an unbelievable resource of incredibly helpful members for answers to practically anything you need to know.

Again.... welcome aboard, and enjoy your "new" Clip!!!


PS... Onna the "charms" of our Clips is that you WILL need answers to a literal plethora of uniquely Clip questions... trust me there, lol.   Get your membership sent in.. pronto!!!   :lol:

Bill Henry


thanks for the welcome and the tips on the taillight assemblies.  Are the ones I'll be ordering a 3 lens deal, approx. 4" high and 12" in length?  (I said APPROX.)  any way I can view the ones I'm ordering?

and YES,    I'm filling out the A.C.O.C. application tonight, drop it in the mail tomorrow with a $20 bill...gotta be worth it.

I'm pleasantly amazed by the response and how much action there is on this 'Clippers' website.  

My buddie is in the market for an older Class 'C'.  he'd screw up if he went w/ something else.   One ride in mine and we'll have another convert!

Are you in the Northwest?   Do you know of any upcoming meets in the Northwest?

Thanks again for the welcome...we'll speak again.

'78 440 w/rear kitchen


Bill if your buddys looking for a clipper email me Iv got a deal that will blow his socks off


Yup... the that's exactly what the tail light assy is like.... exactly like the OEM ones.

I live in So. Fla., and am wintering in NYC (for some stupid reason I can't quite remember at the moment, lol).  Most of the members are Wrong Coast folks though, so you'll find tons of stuff to do with the club out there.

Be SURE you get in touch with Al about his Clip, if your buddy's looking for one!!!  If his deal doesn't blow your socks off, it'll at least sure make your toes wiggle....  :D


Pardon me, but who is Al?  :lol:



Got to take advantage of moments where I can give you a hard time!