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Coach Converter Question

Started by aliendude, January 13, 2005, 01:49:26 PM

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Has anyone upgraded to a new Converter for the coach batteries?


Had any problems with it overcharging the coach battery if hooked up
to shore 115 for a long time.  

Just curious.

If I move to where I plan too, I can hook my Clipper up next to the trailer and use it as extra space....leave it hooked up, and hook up the dump hose into the sewer pipe cap / hook up fresh water.  

I hope.


I understand overcharging can be a problem. My RV friends have installed isolators for the times they are plugged into shore power for long periods of time. After the batteries have a full charge, the isolator will remove the batteries from the charging circuit.




I have the original Progressive Dynamic power converter in my Clipper. I talked to a service tech at Progressive Dynamics who gave me the skinny on what it takes to upgrade the converter. It cost about $169 plus a little extra for a charge wizard. You never have to worry about overcharging again. It's three stage charging.

I didn't change mine. I bought a new house battery and replaced my isolator which prevented my chasis battery from charging the house battery while driving and that seemed to fix my charging problem. I store my Clipper close to my home and the storage facility has a electric hookup. When I anticipate an outing, I go and plug it in to top off the battery and chill the frig.

I guess when I camp long enough to stay plugged in @ one place and fry the battery, I will upgrade. But for now, it suits my needs.

At any rate, to upgrade you basically change some of the gutts/charging mechanism of the converter. You can retain the cabinet that came with the original one so you want have to worry about changing the size of the cutout. He says that the hardest part is removing the old one as it is heavy.

The number to PG is (269) 781-4241 and the website is

Ask for the service department. The guy's name was David or Mark. I can't recall which but he was very helpful.

Andy Illes

I'm not sure what brand mine is, but it seems to be original.  I'm "plugged in" practically all the time and haven't ever had an overcharge problem with the coach battery.


It happened to me once--rig was plugged in long term and it boiled the coach battery dry. Horrible stink. Called Progressive Dynamics, In Ohio, I think and the guy there sent me out a plug-in circuit board that has the electronics on it that backs off the charging rate as the battery comes up. Plugged that board in and no more problem. As long as it's working normally the battery should not ever get overcharged.


I agree with Harold. I spoke to the guy at PD myself a few months back. I think his name is Mark. If you send them the charging board he will repair it for $22. I new one is about $50 or $60.

Also, he told me that you can upgrade the converter for about $170 and add a charge wizzard that make the converter 3 stage.

I thought I had a charging problem but it turned out to be a bad battery.

I don't leave my coach plugged in for extended periods of time so I don't have a problem. A couple of days before a trip, I plug mine up to top off the battery. Plus my alternator delivers a pretty good charge when my engine is running.

I changed by battery isolator and fuse recently so everything works pretty good.


That's great to know..not your over charging problem, but where to get the parts to fix it. my unit did the same thing of over charging the batttery and now the charging completly died and I am having to charge it with a small charger. that would be great to get that fixed. I didn't figure there was a chance in $%% to get this old unit working, Thanks for the post.
you mentioned you were going to hook up sewer full time when you park
I was told not to long ago to not just let the waste trickle out as it will build up in your holding tank... you need to let the tank fill and dump it so it really pushes all of the waste out. it makes sence to me I  just never thought about it that way. I sure don't want to create any problems down there that I can avoid.  :(