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Dog House Insulation

Started by Shayne, November 10, 2001, 07:58:00 AM

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Posted for Sally Ann Healy by Admin
Question:I have my 1976 Clipper in the shop, & one of the things I want to have done is to insulate the dog house (cover). I distinctly remember reading on line a new insulation, its name, & where to order it. I've read through my back issues of the newletter & found one reference to it on 01/05/01 re: a J.C. Whitney book, where it can be ordered. Could you please try to find the name of it again? Or what is the J.C. Whitney book, & how can I find one? The shop owner asked me to find out about it so that he can order it. The one product that he's tried just melted. Thx. Sally Ann Healy, #3165
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


Answer:Sally, here's a web address that should take you right to the page with the JC Whitney part number and pricing.
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


I saw the same material at Home depot a few weeks ago for a sililar price to JC Whitney. If you buy it there, you will have to pay sales tax, but not JCW's exorbinate shipping charges.


Eric, the home depot stuff, does it utilize a fiber material?  I have seen the reflective aluminum insulation that uses plastic air bubbles sandwiched in between.  It didn't work well for me.  If anyone has used the stuff from JC whitney, please let me (and others) know the results. I am  most curious as to the 'fiber' material that is mentioned in the link that shayne provided.


Yes, I am refering to the fiber material. Iv'e used a few rolls from JC Whitney, and the stuff at Home Depot looked the same to me...


Oops, I forgot to mention that the stuff worked very well for insulating my doghouse. Use plenty of the foil tape to seal the insulation up real well, and make sure that the doghouse bolts pull the doghouse all the way to the floor. That turned out to be my biggest problem. I also used the insulation under the new cab carpet I laid.

Sally Ann Healy

Hi.  I'm finally reading the tech tips & ran across my own question about dog house insulation from JC Whitney in 09/01.  Well, I ordered it on line along w/ the glue & tape & had it delivered to the RV shop where my rig was parked & waiting.  The owner, who had me order 2 rolls, really liked the insulation etc. & said that it went on very easily & well right over the old insulation, which didn't need to be removed.  However, it took only a little less than 1 roll to do the job; so I have an entire roll plus left.  No left over glue & tape, I guess.  I haven't taken any trips in it yet to test it but will in June wwhen I go to the Evergreen Club campout in Long Beach, Wa.  Thx for your help.  SA Healy, #3165


I used the JC Whitney insulation material on my doghouse, and the difference was amazing - both in noise and heat.
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.