
This website's purpose is to share information with clipper owners and others who are interested in clippers or have old Dodge B300 chassis motorhomes.  In an attempt to share as much information as possible to as many people as possible PLEASE first post your questions in one of the forum boards rather than sending a PM to the webmaster or another member. This will allow other members to find information that may help solve their problem.  By PMing your questions, you decrease forum activity and create more work for active members who end up repeating information to individuals looking for the same information.  Thank you.

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Started by bigray, August 17, 2004, 06:19:08 AM

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Hi Folks,

I knew they existed but I haven't had time to search around (I have a 3 year old and a 5 month old. Need I say more) until now.

At any rate, I found a free web sit that you can create your own websit page and post your pictures to. It's relativly user friendly. I say relatively because I've done some web development.

I started a little website last night so that I can share my Clipper experiences.

Stay should get pretty nifty.

the site to start your own is:

Click "free" in the GET START section to the left