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Ford Dual Groove Pulley

Started by RYBKA, May 01, 2002, 01:33:00 PM

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To all ACOC members that need a dual groove pulley :

I have received at least half dozen requests for the part number to the dual groove pulley I used on my 1979, 440 Clipper.

The Ford ID Number is E3TC3D673B.

This is NOT the part number.  

Have your local Ford Dealer look up the part number via this ID (Engineering ID).

I found this pulley on a pump that had already been salvaged, so I do not know from what vehicle it came from.

However, my local Ford dealer informed me that the part was still available, but he would not tell me what the Part Number was "cause he was in business to sell parts!"

vty, RYBKA ACOC 3279

robert spence

Reference  to the great pulley caper.going to local ford dealer and using the ford id number supplied by Rybka  the part number is E3TZ-3A733-B  currently $109.53 not stocked but can be ordered Supposidly the pulley eas used on 83 ford  econoline van,  Spence 3285