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Bathroom faucit

Started by handyman, July 28, 2004, 03:11:05 PM

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Has anyone had to rebuild the bath sink faucit if so where can you get the vavles I'v gone everywere and people just chuckle any help out there :?:


I just bought a new faucet from Clip Jr.  It wasn't too pricy and had the longer neck on it which is much nicer to use.  Install was a breeze too.  Just something to consider.  You might be able to find one at a hardware store, but you have to find the smaller size.. I think it's 4" centers?  Measure first of course  :)
Shayne Barr
ACOC #3146


I replaced ours with a unit from Home Depot, also with a higher rise spout. If yours is a rear kitchen model, you can remove the whole sink cabinet  assembly by simply removing a few screws that hold it in place, leaving the sink exposed for easy access to do the plumbing. I had to slightly elongate the holes in the sink to allow for the slightly wider spacing of the new faucet connections. I found adaptors at the local plumbing store to match the new faucet to the existing plastic water lines.
Harold, #886


Thanks Harold I found a nice one a the depot for $14.99 it's plastic but they work great and in the bath it wont get much use but I'm going to have to change it the hard way with the remodel I'v put half round in all the corners and got rid of that black plastic really made a difference on the  way she looks now, we did it to all the joints and walls to :D  what kind of adapters did you need


Well, Jim, it's been quite awhile but I found that the old fittings on the plastic water lines did not match up with the new faucet assembly. I took the old and new faucets to the local plumbing store and they had  adaptors in stock that matched them up. I used a rotary file attachment in my electric drill to enlarge the holes for the pipes. Worked great.



well the new faucet is in and after taking back the wrong fittings to home depot for the second time it's finnally all done and works great not to hard eather thanks for the info
