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Propane Hot Water Heater Operating Instructions

Started by Rodger, July 27, 2002, 12:51:00 PM

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I've got a 1978 Clipper, Rear kitchen, party model with a 440.  I've got almost everything back in operating condition since I bought it a couple months ago but I may have a problem with my hot water heater.  I lit the pilot and then turned the dial to the on position.  When I did flames shot out of the tubing which goes into the bottom of the regulator.  It apprears there is a slide that would provide access on the pipe for something.  Does anyone know what I may be doing wrong or have any information such as operating instructions that I may get access to.  I would appreciate any advice.  Thanks, Rodger


Offering advise via 'E' mail with a problem like this is like trying to perform open heart surgery by telephone.  Considering the dangers involved (I.E: An explosion.) I would prefer getting a hands on opinion from someone with experience.  I think any R.V. parts department in your area would be glad to offer advise.  Perhaps without charge.  It happens.


Thanks for the sound advise.  I'll drive down to the local RV dealer and ask their staff.  I appreciate your honesty.  Sincerly, Rodger