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Need Carburator

Started by Ruben, March 29, 2004, 09:40:00 AM

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I talked to a guy who ownes a RV/Hot Rod shop and he said that he had installed a few gear vendors with mixed results. He said that some people complained that the shifting is very hard after the install.

Like Horst said, it will take lots of miles to justify spending $3,800. My engine has 44K. I figure I'll leave things like the are and when the engine dies, I'll replace the engine and transmission by going with fuel injection, Overdrive and the whole nine yards. Don't tell my wife I said that!


I'm with you Ray. Wife even agrees to spend between 5-7 grand instead of buying newer motor home.  We have all ready remodeled this one past what we would ever get out of her. we love her so she's staying. This ones paid for and just the right size for getting around to all those fun places. Just would like more power and always better gas milage. Thought of changing out motor and tranny, only thing is wouldn;t the rear end need to be changed also ?


Grizzlybear & Panda

New to this site.
Recently, we were given a 1975 for our future Church mission. Before it was given to us, many things were stolen from it.
Looking for help in getting parts.
The intake, carburetor, distributer needed to get running.
Intake was donated to us just a few days ago.
Looking for information on this engine.
Anyone who can help please let us know.

Glad to find this site and to know that others have this make.