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Stock A/C

Started by FREE BIRD, June 21, 2003, 01:13:00 AM

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I recently had my air conditioner serviced. the one from the engine that cools the cab. They recharged it and we thought it felt good and cold. Howerver we went up to Lake Don Pedro last week, and it was cold just until the engine got to normal temp. then it stopped working or the the heat of the engine was heating the air or something. anyone have a this problem.


Freebird -Air conditioning.-
I suggest you check to see if your heater hot water valve closes completely when you slide the lever to the cool
side.If it does not close tightby the control on the dash. Try closing it by hand and readjusting your cable to the tighter position.This is covered in the chassis manuals available from Chryslerat least up to 1979.This continuos hot water running through the heater core nullifies the cooling.  


JuneBob is absolutely correct.  I had to replace my heater/AC control unit in the dash a while back and had the same problem.  Adjusting the cable at the control unit and/or at the other end under the hood should fix the problem.