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30 Amp Generator circuit breaker

Started by Tryon #3185, May 26, 2003, 02:26:00 AM

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Tryon #3185

In need of 30 amp generator circuit breaker,or where one could be purchased.Brand name G.E., model TQL-AC, catalog # TQL11W30.This C.B. has been out of production since the mid 1960's per G.E. Tech Rep.So far none of the large electrical suppliers can even cross reference it.
The major difference of this C.B. are, (a)no electricity flows to the breaker where it snaps onto the hot A.C.buss bar, it merely holds the breaker in position. (b) A #10 wire enters into the base of the breaker(factory made this way).Electricity comes from the Gen.,in the #10 black wire into the breaker, then from the breaker to the Gen. Outlet where you would plug the external power cord into, if you desire Gen. power to the coach. We have researched all back issues of A.C.O.C. News Letters also.Any info would be appreciated.Tryon #3185.