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Exhaust Pipes

Started by Charlie, February 28, 2003, 12:14:00 PM

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I have dual exhaust pipes that come out in front of the rear tires on my 79' 440.  I was thinking of having the pipes extended all the way to the rear and pointing straight out the back.  Has anyone done this and does anyone know of any reason not to?


Look closely at what plastic you might be getting close to. There also might be a problem with the pipes hitting on bumps. Behind the rear wheels might be an appropriate compromise. that way the noise is further back yet the pipes are close enough to the tires they are less apt to be damaged. Good Luck



The easiest, (and cheapest) way to modify the exhaust system is to have a shop modify piping so the pass. side exhaust exits next to the driver's side pipe in front of the rear wheels. The sound is not objectionable.  

Bob #2953