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Started by USNRetired, September 25, 2010, 08:15:37 AM

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Can anyone suggest/tell/advise me of the best way to treat/kill/destroy termites?  We have a termite infestation in the back of our  American Clipper.  Must be anti-American bigs and I need to kill them off.  Then start the process of repairing their damage.  (sigh)
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)

John Eversoll

  Hi Jim,,,,  TERRRRRRRRMITES?????????????????  O M F G............

   The only thing I can tell you to do is call   """ Orkin"...  see what they can do..

    Let me know,  ok    ---  John


There has to be some kind of "bug bomb" I can buy!  The shell on the American Clipper is head and shoulders above any kind of tent.  Plus there has to be something out there "big brother" hasn't banned or super controlled. 
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)

John Eversoll

   Jim, I have a friend that has his own business of exterminating...

   Let me give him a call tomorrow and find out if there is something out on the market

   I will let you know sometime tomorrow afternoon ok,  John


Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)

John Eversoll

   Hi Jim, I just heard from my buddy...

   He said the Best way to tackle  a job like this i to tent the rig!!!

   It is not "Uncommon "" to tent an Rv..

   HE did tell me that you should contact a small company.!!! 

   The big companies will bite your wallet Big time.  where as the smaller companies will only nibble.  Plus afogger will not get into the spots that may be home to the termites

That is why ya have to tent...  Sorry Jim...  But my Buddy has been doing this for 26 yrs
and has done several Big rigs...    John


Understood, John.  I'll find someone....
Jim & Marina in Beautiful Oceanside, California
ACOC #3714
1977 Rear Kitchen Party Model (821FC)