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Top bunk

Started by dave16131, August 17, 2010, 06:31:08 AM

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 Does anyone know if the top bunk bed came standard with a cut-out in it for easy access to and from the cab? I've seen some pics of rigs with these cut outs, but mine doesn't have one. Was wondering if maybe someone had just built over it.

Thanks, Dave


I am a newbee here, with that said, I have a 1978 with the cutout you refer to. I'm sure that it came from the factory that way. Maybe it was a option. I was looking at pics of a 1976 for sale here locally(western Washington) and it doesn't have the cutout. What year is yours??


John Eversoll

Hi there Newbi,  I have a 77 with out the cut out...

I just want to know if they ever had a ladder to climb up to it....


Hello all,
          I am also new to forums.  I have been reading up just not responding.   I did want to give my clipper top bunk setup.  Mine does not have the cutout.  I also have an aluminum ladder for the bunk that stores on the closet door across from the fridge.    I also have the rear kitchen setup with the swivel chairs in place of the sleeper sofa. Hope that bit of info can help you.     
          Take care and have fun clipping!      Bob


Mine came with steps that clamp on to the area just behind the drivers seat. The gentleman I got my clipper from said he bought the steps from someone in the club that was making them. $50 was what he said he paid. Anybody out there know who in the club was making the steps?


John Eversoll

         YEa, I want to buy these steps / ladder....

         it is hell to climb up there when the wifey gets

         P oed  at me...


Mine is a 77 rear kitchen with a couch. No ladder :( Maybe they started cutting them out in 78.


I have a 75 - has the cutout - I've never seen a Clipper without one - and I've been in quite a few
For me (for now) that's not an issue - we always use the top bunk.
But if I wanted to do something else with the top bunk (storage, entertainment center, etc.) having the cutout in place would be very practical, almost required.

I'm guessing someone modified yours?
ACOC  #2961
'75 Clipper 821F, Dodge 360........sold it in running a Ford F-250 towing a 2008 Layton trailer.


Mine doesn't have the cutout, and unless someone has done some fancy cover up work (including finding the appropriate cushion cover material) I think its original. Just FYI. Previous owner made a nice ladder out of wood and gorilla glue. Im scared to use it, but the kids love it. ;D

John Eversoll

I just might make my own, I still have my lincon welder

might just find me some material and make it myself...



The ladders are available from Camping World. Look on line or in the latest full catalogue.
canine caravan ACOC #3552